In the news: San Diego Homeowners Face Delays for ADU Building Permits

Thanks to government initiatives ADUs have recently experienced a boom in Californian cities. However, the permitting process for their approval can take a long time. If you are in the process of building an ADU, you may have realized that getting City Permits can be more challenging than it seems.

ADU City Permits
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Complicated and lengthy permitting processes for San Diego homeowners and builders due to the state's relaxed regulations and financial incentives for ADUs.


Fernanda Castillo

The city of San Diego has seen a surge in ADU construction due to the state’s relaxed regulations and financial incentives.

However, obtaining permits for these units can be challenging due to complicated and often-changing regulations, limited staffing, and opposition from some neighborhoods.

The lengthy approval process can result in increased costs and delays in construction, making it harder for homeowners to add ADUs to their properties.

Additionally, the pandemic has further complicated the process by causing staffing shortages and adding new safety regulations.


CBS 8 San Diego Coverage


How does the delay in permitting affect homeowners in 2023?


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CBS 8 San Diego Coverage
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Back in August of 2022, local news outlet CBS 8 San Diego did an article dedicated to this specific issue and investigated why the home renovation projects, ADUs included, were taking so long. Here are the key takeaways from their note.

  • The City of San Diego faces an “overloaded” building permit backlog, causing home renovation delays.
  • Getting a building permit from the city became more complex and time-consuming, with the process taking longer than in past years.
  • The delays started during the pandemic and haven’t let up much since then.
  • The demand for home projects has skyrocketed, and homeowners are frustrated with the delays.
  • The city’s Development Services Department is on track to process 70,000 permits this year (2022) but needs a backlog of permits for more extensive and smaller projects.
  • The department is working towards improvements and has gone virtual to make things easier.


Multitaskr ADU Construction City Permits

How does the delay in permitting affect homeowners in 2023?
The delays mentioned in the previous year will definitely affect the permitting stage of any construction during 2023. A process that formerly took two to three months now mounts up from 7 to 8 months without considering the mistakes in the documentation that might occur. Due to the new remote modality of working from the city, you can only go into their office to either pay a bill or look up records, as the permitting services are 100% online!

Multitaskr ADU Construction City Permits

ADU construction timeline
The construction alone of a well-made ADU takes from 4 to 8 months, so if we sum up the time it takes the project to go through all the other stages, which are financing, design, and permitting, primarily, a wholly functional Accessory Dwelling Unit is finalized in 13 to 18 months. Remember, the time is different for each project, and it might vary depending on other factors like changes requested by the clients and processes like inspections.  

A contractor might tell you they can build your ADU in less time, from 4 to 6 months, but that doesn’t include the project as a whole!

Multitaskr ADU Construction City Permits

Before taking on any project, you must be aware of potential delays to plan accordingly and ensure your ADU project will go smoothly.
At Multitaskr, we’re always willing to help answer any questions and assist you with our end-to-end ADU services, covering 100% financing, design, permits, construction, and property management.

Book a free consultation today to get pre-qualified for our ADU financing program. There is no hard credit pull, No Commitment.

Or schedule an in-person office visit:
2576 Catamaran Way, Chula Vista, CA 91914 
Office Hours 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Tel. (619) 514 4023
[email protected]

If you’re interested in learning more about Accessory Dwelling Units, you can read our ADU FAQs article!

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